Sunday 31 July 2011

August Opera Challenge

For a while now a lot of people have been taking part in the '30 Day Opera Challenge' on Facebook, where each day for thirty days you answer one of the set questions (favourite composer, favourite male singer etc.) On her blog Vocal Supporter Sarah Noble used the questions to create daily entries, and also got another set of opera questions to answer from a blog entitled An Acquired Taste. I really wanted to join in, but July was a bit of a mad month and I didn't have the time to blog once, never mind thirty times. August, however, is a lot more relaxed and as the opera calendar is pretty much empty, I'm going to take on the challenge and blog every day.

I'm using the An Acquired Taste questions, as I think they're better (you don't have to answer things like 'most recognisable choral part, in your opinion'...) but I will be slipping in one '30 Day Opera Challenge' question (favourite conductor) so I can do an entry for every single day of August. Thus, 'August Opera Challenge'. There will probably be a picture, a YouTube clip and a bit of waffle for each question and it won't be very high brow or jargon-filled. Feel free to comment on the posts with your own answers or better still, blog along with me. The more opinions, the more fun. I just hope I can keep up with it!

The questions
1. Best overture
2. Favourite composer
3. Best soprano
4. Best mezzo
5. Best alto/contralto
6. Best tenor
7. Best baritone
8. Best bass/bass baritone
9. Best conductor
10. Best comedy opera
11. Best tragic opera
12. Best libretto
13. Best opera all round
14. Favourite comedic role
15. Favourite tragic role
16. Favourite couple
17. Happiest romance
18. Most tragic romance
19. Most visually entertaining opera
20. Most powerful aria
21. Most listened to opera
22. Best opera to see with a friend
23. Best opera to see with a lover
24. Best opera to see alone
25. Opera you would sell a kidney to see
26. Least favourite opera misconception
27. First favourite opera
28. If you could play any role, what would it be?
29. Opera dream cast
30. Most attractive artist ever
31. Best finale